Building Decision Trees and Random Forests from scratch¶
Decision trees are a fundamental algorithm in machine learning. Random forests are a method of improving the performance of decision trees by training an ensemble of them, i.e. training multiple decision trees and aggregating their results.
Our decision trees and random forests will be trained on the BMI dataset from here which I've downloaded and renamed to bmi-data.csv
. We'll open it in pandas:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("bmi-data.csv")
Gender | Height | Weight | Index | |
0 | Male | 174 | 96 | 4 |
1 | Male | 189 | 87 | 2 |
2 | Female | 185 | 110 | 4 |
3 | Female | 195 | 104 | 3 |
4 | Male | 149 | 61 | 3 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
495 | Female | 150 | 153 | 5 |
496 | Female | 184 | 121 | 4 |
497 | Female | 141 | 136 | 5 |
498 | Male | 150 | 95 | 5 |
499 | Male | 173 | 131 | 5 |
500 rows × 4 columns
Our dataset has genders, heights, weights and BMIs for 500 people. We'll use the gender, height and weight to predict the BMI. To make things slightly easier, instead of predicting BMI directly, we'll predict if the BMI is obese or not, which is when the Index column is >= 4.
data["Obese"] = (data["Index"] >= 4).astype("int")
data = data.drop("Index", axis=1)
Gender | Height | Weight | Obese | |
0 | Male | 174 | 96 | 1 |
1 | Male | 189 | 87 | 0 |
2 | Female | 185 | 110 | 1 |
3 | Female | 195 | 104 | 0 |
4 | Male | 149 | 61 | 0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
495 | Female | 150 | 153 | 1 |
496 | Female | 184 | 121 | 1 |
497 | Female | 141 | 136 | 1 |
498 | Male | 150 | 95 | 1 |
499 | Male | 173 | 131 | 1 |
500 rows × 4 columns
How do we predict if someone is obese using a decision tree? A decision tree consists of a series of binary rules (they either have a yes/no outcome), e.g. if weight >= 100 kg, then the tree predicts the person is obese. The key concept is that the tree is made of multiple stacked rules, and each rule is used to split the data. At each split, some data is routed in one direction and some another. The data is continuously split until it reaches the point where it cannot be split anymore, which is where our decision tree makes a prediction. Each split in the tree is called a node, and the final nodes (where no more splits are made) are called leaf nodes.
The decision tree starts with no nodes, these are learned when the decision tree is trained (or fit) on the training data. Once the tree is trained, we can use it to make predictions on new data. The algorithm for training a decision tree uses a cost function to determine how to perform a split at each node. The cost function uses impurity, which measures how likely the target value is to be incorrectly classified. The two most common cost functions are the Gini index and entropy, here we'll just focus on entropy.
Let's compare at what happens if we make a single split in the data when we predict obesity at weight >= 100 kg and obesity at weight >= 80 kg. We can count the number of mistakes made both splits:
df_100kg = data[(data["Weight"] >= 100) & (data["Obese"] == 0)]
df_80kg = data[(data["Weight"] >= 80) & (data["Obese"] == 0)]
len(df_100kg), len(df_80kg)
(18, 63)
We can see that splitting at 100 kg made 18 mistakes, and splitting at 80 kg made 63 mistakes. Therefore the split at 100 kg is less impure and thus is a better split. Cost functions are used to find splits that minimize impurity.
Entropy can be used as a measurement of impurity and is given by: $$H(X) = -\sum_{i=1}^{n} p(x_i) \log_2 p(x_i)$$ where $p(x_i)$ is the probability of class $x_i$ occurring. The entropy is 0 when all the data is of the same class (minimum impurity), and is 1 when the data is evenly split between classes (maximum impurity).
import numpy as np
def entropy(x):
assert isinstance(x, pd.Series)
p = x.value_counts() / len(x)
# 1e-10 is used to stop np.log2 throwing a division by zero error
entropy = -np.sum(p * np.log2(p + 1e-10))
return entropy
We can now calculate the impurity for both of the splits, where we should see that the split at 100 kg has a lower impurity than the split at 80 kg (i.e. it makes less mistakes, is less impure, and is a better split).
entropy((data["Weight"] >= 100) & (data["Obese"] == 0))
entropy((data["Weight"] >= 80) & (data["Obese"] == 0))
We know how to calculate impurity to tell us if a split is good or not, but what we'd like to do is calculate how much improvement in purity a split gives us compared to the data before the split. For this we use information gain. Information gain quantifies how much impurity in the data is reduced after a split. It is calculated as the difference in impurity before and after the split and uses entropy to measure this.
def get_information_gain(series, mask):
n_true_split = sum(mask)
n_false_split = len(mask) - n_true_split
if n_true_split == 0 or n_false_split == 0:
return 0
original_impurity = entropy(series)
true_split_impurity = entropy(series[mask])
false_split_impurity = entropy(series[~mask])
weighted_average_impurity = (
n_true_split / len(mask) * true_split_impurity
+ n_false_split / len(mask) * false_split_impurity
information_gain = original_impurity - weighted_average_impurity
return information_gain
We calculate the impurity of the data before the split, original_impurity
, the impurities of the subsets of data created after the split, true_split_impurity
and false_split_impurity
, and then the combined impurity after the split taking into account the proportion of data in each subset to get the entropy after the split as weighted_average_impurity
. The information gain is then the difference between the original entropy and the weighted average entropy after the split.
We can see that just as splitting at >= 100 kg gave us a lower impurity, it also gave us a higher information gain.
get_information_gain(data["Obese"], data["Weight"] >= 100)
get_information_gain(data["Obese"], data["Weight"] >= 80)
Now we know how to measure how good a split is, we can use this to build a decision tree. The steps we need to take on each node are:
- Calculate the information gain for all variables
- Choose the split that generates the highest information gain
- Repeat until we hit some stopping criteria
When splitting numeric variables, e.g. weight, we get all values that variables takes within the current split, and for each value calculate the information gain when filtering all values less than that value, then see which gives the highest information gain.
When splitting categorical variables, e.g. gender, we get all combinations of values that variables takes within the current split and calculate the information gain for each combination. Note: if you have a significant number of categorical variables within a column the number of combinations explodes, so libraries that implement decision trees/random forests usually have a better way of handling this.
We'll implement a function to get all potential combinations for a categorical variable:
import itertools
def get_categorical_options(series):
assert isinstance(series, pd.Series)
series = set(series)
options = []
for i, _ in enumerate(series):
subset = itertools.combinations(series, i + 1)
return options
get_categorical_options(pd.Series(["Red", "Red", "Blue", "Blue", "Green"]))
[('Green',), ('Red',), ('Blue',), ('Green', 'Red'), ('Green', 'Blue'), ('Red', 'Blue'), ('Green', 'Red', 'Blue')]
Putting all this together, we can now define a function which, when given a feature column of a DataFrame and the label column, will calculate the information gain for all possible splits of that feature and return the best split.
def get_max_information_gain(x_series, y_series):
is_numeric = x_series.dtype != "object"
if is_numeric:
# Skip the first value as it is the minimum and if we split on it one of the splits will be empty.
split_values = x_series.sort_values().unique()[1:].tolist()
split_values = get_categorical_options(x_series)
results = []
if not split_values:
# Handle the case when all values are the same, e.g. all one value.
return {"split_value": None, "information_gain": 0, "is_numeric": is_numeric}
for split_value in split_values:
mask = x_series < split_value if is_numeric else x_series.isin(split_value)
split_information_gain = get_information_gain(y_series, mask)
"value": split_value,
"information_gain": split_information_gain,
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x["information_gain"], reverse=True)
best_split_value = results[0]["value"]
best_information_gain = results[0]["information_gain"]
return {
"split_value": best_split_value,
"information_gain": best_information_gain,
"is_numeric": is_numeric,
We can use this to get the best split for a given feature:
get_max_information_gain(data["Height"], data["Obese"])
{'split_value': 174, 'information_gain': 0.06474831770089884, 'is_numeric': True}
To verify, we can plot the information gain for each split value:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
values = data["Height"].sort_values().unique()[1:]
information_gains = [
get_information_gain(data["Height"], data["Height"] < value) for value in values
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(values, information_gains)
ax.set_ylabel("Information Gain")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Information Gain')
Now we can calculate the highest information gain for each feature, we'll write a function to iterate across all feature columns, calculate the best split for each, and then return the best split overall:
def get_best_split(df, y):
column_max_information_gains = [
{"column_name": column, **get_max_information_gain(df[column], df[y])}
for column in df.columns
if column != y # We don't want to split on the target variable
best_split_info = sorted(
column_max_information_gains, key=lambda x: x["information_gain"]
return best_split_info
We can use this to find out that the best split for the initial data is splitting at weight >= 103 kg.
split_info = get_best_split(data, "Obese")
{'column_name': 'Weight', 'split_value': 103, 'information_gain': 0.3824541370911896, 'is_numeric': True}
The last of the helper functions is to use the information about the best split to actually split the data:
def make_split(df, split_info):
column_name = split_info["column_name"]
split_value = split_info["split_value"]
is_numeric = split_info["is_numeric"]
assert is_numeric == (df[column_name].dtype != "object")
if is_numeric:
mask = df[column_name] < split_value
mask = df[column_name].isin(split_value)
df_left = df[mask]
df_right = df[~mask]
return df_left, df_right
Splitting at weight >= 103 kg gives us two subsets of data. We can see that there are 229 and 271 examples in each split. With 229 in the left split, where weight < 103 kg, and 271 in the right split, where weight >= 103 kg.
left, right = make_split(data, split_info)
len(data), len(left), len(right)
(500, 229, 271)
We can split each each of these subsets, and then split the resulting subsets, and so on, until we reach some stopping criteria, which is how we build our decision tree.
split_info = get_best_split(left, "Obese")
{'column_name': 'Height', 'split_value': 178, 'information_gain': 0.28026630900174687, 'is_numeric': True}
split_info = get_best_split(right, "Obese")
{'column_name': 'Weight', 'split_value': 116, 'information_gain': 0.09289094500737183, 'is_numeric': True}
We define a DecisionNode
class which will represent the nodes in our decision tree. Each node contains information about the split (the column, value, if it was numeric), the left and right children nodes, if the tree is classification or regression, and the predicted label (only when the node is a leaf node).
class DecisionNode:
def __init__(
self.column = column
self.split_value = split_value
self.is_numeric = is_numeric
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.is_classification = is_classification
self.prediction = prediction
def __repr__(self, depth=0, indent=" "):
# Print the tree structure
prefix = depth * indent
if self.is_leaf():
return f"{prefix}Leaf(prediction={self.prediction})"
description = f"{prefix}DecisionNode(column={self.column}, split_value={self.split_value}, is_numeric={self.is_numeric})\n"
if self.left:
description += f"{prefix}left:\n{self.left.__repr__(depth + 1, indent)}\n"
if self.right:
description += f"{prefix}right:\n{self.right.__repr__(depth + 1, indent)}"
return description
def is_leaf(self):
# If a node has no left and right children, it is a leaf node
return self.left is None and self.right is None
Finally, we want to build our tree, which we do by recursively splitting the data until we reach some stopping criteria. When we reach a stopping criteria, we create a leaf node that makes a prediction. If it's a classification problem, we predict the most common class in the subset of data, and if it's a regression problem, we predict the mean of the subset of data. Our build_tree
function is wrapped in a train_decision_tree
function which builds the tree from a depth of zero and returns the tree itself.
The stopping criteria we'll use are:
- Maximum depth: the maximum number of splits we want to make
- Minimum samples: the minimum number of samples we want to have in a node before we stop splitting
- Minimum information gain: the minimum information gain we want to have before we stop splitting
def build_tree(
df, y, depth, max_depth, min_samples_split, min_information_gain, is_classification
# Check if we have reached the maximum depth
if depth >= max_depth:
return create_leaf_node(df, y, is_classification)
# Check if we have reached the minimum number of samples required to split
if len(df) < min_samples_split:
return create_leaf_node(df, y, is_classification)
# Get the best split
split_info = get_best_split(df, y)
# Check if the best split has enough information gain
if split_info["information_gain"] < min_information_gain:
return create_leaf_node(df, y, is_classification)
# Make the split
df_left, df_right = make_split(df, split_info)
# Build the left and right subtrees
subtree_left = build_tree(
depth + 1,
subtree_right = build_tree(
depth + 1,
# Make the decision node
return DecisionNode(
def create_leaf_node(df, y, is_classification):
# If it is a classification problem, we return the mode of the target variable
if is_classification:
prediction = df[y].mode()[0]
# If it is a regression problem, we return the mean of the target variable
prediction = df[y].mean()
return DecisionNode(
def train_decision_tree(
return build_tree(
df, y, 0, max_depth, min_samples_split, min_information_gain, is_classification
Now, we can specify which column is our label column, the values of our stopping criteria, and if our tree is doing classification or regression, then train our tree.
Note: Ideally we should use be using a train/validation/test splits of our data, but for simplicity here we'll just train on the entire dataset.
y = "Obese"
max_depth = 10
min_samples_split = 2
min_information_gain = 0.1
is_classification = True
tree = train_decision_tree(
We can also see the individual splits in our tree. We can see that the first split was at weight >= 103 kg, the left split from that (where weight < 103 kg) was split at height >= 178, and the right split (where weight >= 103 kg) was already a leaf node.
DecisionNode(column=Weight, split_value=103, is_numeric=True) left: DecisionNode(column=Height, split_value=178, is_numeric=True) left: DecisionNode(column=Weight, split_value=66, is_numeric=True) left: Leaf(prediction=0) right: DecisionNode(column=Height, split_value=151, is_numeric=True) left: DecisionNode(column=Weight, split_value=67, is_numeric=True) left: DecisionNode(column=Height, split_value=149, is_numeric=True) left: Leaf(prediction=1) right: Leaf(prediction=0) right: Leaf(prediction=1) right: DecisionNode(column=Weight, split_value=82, is_numeric=True) left: DecisionNode(column=Height, split_value=161, is_numeric=True) left: DecisionNode(column=Weight, split_value=74, is_numeric=True) left: Leaf(prediction=0) right: DecisionNode(column=Height, split_value=154, is_numeric=True) left: DecisionNode(column=Weight, split_value=78, is_numeric=True) left: Leaf(prediction=1) right: Leaf(prediction=0) right: Leaf(prediction=1) right: Leaf(prediction=0) right: DecisionNode(column=Height, split_value=173, is_numeric=True) left: Leaf(prediction=1) right: DecisionNode(column=Weight, split_value=95, is_numeric=True) left: Leaf(prediction=0) right: Leaf(prediction=1) right: Leaf(prediction=0) right: Leaf(prediction=1)
We can make predictions with our tree by recursively traversing the tree with our input data until we hit a leaf node, and then returning the prediction at that leaf node.
def _predict_tree(tree, example):
if tree.is_leaf():
return tree.prediction
if tree.is_numeric:
if example[tree.column] < tree.split_value:
return _predict_tree(tree.left, example)
return _predict_tree(tree.right, example)
if example[tree.column] in tree.split_value:
return _predict_tree(tree.left, example)
return _predict_tree(tree.right, example)
def predict_tree(tree, x):
if isinstance(x, pd.Series):
return _predict_tree(tree, x)
assert isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame)
return x.apply(lambda row: _predict_tree(tree, row), axis=1)
We can make a prediction for a single example:
example = data.iloc[0]
Gender Male Height 174 Weight 96 Obese 1 Name: 0, dtype: object
predict_tree(tree, example)
We can also make predictions for all of the examples in the DataFrame:
predictions = predict_tree(tree, data)
0 1 1 0 2 1 3 1 4 0 .. 495 1 496 1 497 1 498 1 499 1 Length: 500, dtype: int64
We can see that our predictions are not 100% accurate, even though we trained our tree on the entire dataset. This is because our tree is overfitting the data.
(predictions == data["Obese"]).sum()
errors = data[data["Obese"] != predictions]
Gender | Height | Weight | Obese | |
3 | Female | 195 | 104 | 0 |
5 | Male | 189 | 104 | 0 |
36 | Female | 197 | 114 | 0 |
82 | Female | 190 | 105 | 0 |
92 | Female | 194 | 111 | 0 |
137 | Male | 194 | 108 | 0 |
146 | Male | 194 | 106 | 0 |
149 | Female | 168 | 115 | 0 |
184 | Female | 192 | 108 | 0 |
291 | Male | 183 | 105 | 0 |
296 | Female | 169 | 88 | 0 |
400 | Female | 195 | 104 | 0 |
469 | Male | 198 | 109 | 0 |
Next, we'll build a random forest. A random forest is an ensemble of decision trees. We train multiple decision trees each using a bootstrapped version of the original dataset. In other words, each tree is trained on a dataset which is the same size (number of examples) as the original data but the examples are sampled from the original dataset with replacement. This technique is called bagging (or bootstrap aggregating).
After we've trained the trees (a forest) we can use them to make predictions. For classification problems, we use the most common prediction from all the trees, and for regression problems, we use the mean prediction from all the trees.
import tqdm
def train_random_forest(
trees = []
for _ in tqdm.tqdm(range(n_trees)):
# Bootstrap sample the data
sample = data.sample(frac=1, replace=True)
# Train a decision tree on the bootstrapped sample
tree = train_decision_tree(
return trees
We'll train our forest, which consists of 25 trees, using the same stopping criteria as before:
y = "Obese"
n_trees = 25
max_depth = 10
min_samples_split = 2
min_information_gain = 0.1
is_classification = True
forest = train_random_forest(
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 25/25 [00:33<00:00, 1.32s/it]
Finally, we'll define functions the make our predictions:
def _predict_forest(forest, x):
predictions = [predict_tree(tree, x) for tree in forest]
is_classification = forest[0].is_classification
if is_classification:
return max(set(predictions), key=predictions.count)
return np.mean(predictions)
def predict_forest(forest, x):
if isinstance(x, pd.Series):
return _predict_forest(forest, x)
assert isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame)
return x.apply(lambda row: _predict_forest(forest, row), axis=1)
We can predict on one sample:
predict_forest(forest, example)
And we can also predict on the entire DataFrame, and see that our predictions are more accurate than using a single decision tree (2 errors vs 13):
(predict_forest(forest, data) == data["Obese"]).sum()
As we can see, random forests are a small extension (both conceptually and in code) to decision trees, but significantly improve their performance. For using random forests in actual code, I'd recommend scikit-learn or xgboost/catboost (both of which are not actually random forests but work in a similar way -- by using an ensemble of decision trees).